The Daily Grind

News and thoughts from our caffeine infused minds
office snack box delivery

A Beginner’s Guide to Office Snack Box Delivery

If you’ve recently had the thought, “Office snack delivery? You can do that?” you’ve come to the right place. Not only can we offer you this type of snack delivery service, but we’ve recently added a brand new service on top of that! Our office snack box delivery service will you give you a variety of snacks to try out. This beginner’s guide to office snack box delivery will explain everything you need to know about this new service from Corporate Essentials. All About Snack Delivery at the Office Office snack box delivery is a scheduled delivery of delicious snacks right to your workplace. Corporate Essentials has dozens of brands available, everything from Go Raw to Annie’s to Bear Naked to Chef’s Cut, and so many more. When you set up your order, you’ll receive new snacks with each shipment, or you can request your favorites. Why Is Snack Delivery

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Use this Snack Service to Motivate Employees at Work

When you look around your office, what do you see? Do you see a group of enthusiastic people collectively working on projects, reports and other key tasks? To ensure that this is what you see from your staff every day, you have to keep them motivated. One of the best ways to motivate employees at work is to give them the fuel they need to succeed. That’s right; you can motivate employees at work when you provide an abundance of healthy snacks that nourish and support them. Break Rooms With Healthy Snacks: A Rising Trend Providing healthy snacks to employees, especially via snack delivery service, has been a trend on the rise for the past few years. Now, even more employers are getting in on the practice because they understand the benefits. As Daniel Gross says in an article from Strategy + Business, “Offering free meals and caffeine is actually

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The Best K Cup Flavors (According to the Internet): 2018 Roundup

After a morning of NYC commuting, your employees deserve to be equipped with the best coffee options the market has to offer. Although there may be tons of coffee shops on their way to work, it’s always nice to have a trusted coffee source within the office. If you stock your NYC office with single-cup coffee options you’ll have happy, productive employees. It’s hard to deny that K Cups, the single-use coffee pods by Keurig, are one of the most convenient ways to enjoy a steaming hot cup of brew. Market research on single-cup brew pods reveals that 28 percent of people enjoy a K Cup or alternative on any given day, while 18 percent of people only know how to make coffee with a pod. With over 400 different flavors of K Cups beverages available today, how do you know which are the most solid choices to stock in

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office party snacks

The Definitive Guide to Office Party Snacks

When your employees hear the words “office party,” do they shudder with dread? Some office parties have a bad rap for being awkward and uneventful, and that can affect perceptions across the board. Don’t let a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of the great parties out there. So how can you ensure that your next office party is fun, inclusive and memorable (in a good way)? That’s a “pizza” cake. You bring in some office party snacks that are both healthy and a delight with every bite. First, Why Offer Healthy Snacks at Work? Healthy snacks aren’t boring. In fact, they’re downright exciting because they help your employees ramp up their game at the office. This is great news for you and your business, since it lets you enhance employee productivity, strengthen your company culture and keep things sailing smoothly. According to a Harvard Business Review article,

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office snack delivery

How Office Snack Delivery Can Improve Employee Morale

Sometimes, office morale drops due to unexpected situations. Then again, sometimes it drops due to inherent stress or difficult working conditions. A decrease in morale doesn’t always spell disaster for a company, but it’s never good news. If you notice this situation in your office, your next step should be finding ways to boost morale and improve employee job satisfaction. One great place to start? Setting up office snack delivery. Healthy Snack Delivery at the Office Snacks are not all made the same. From the base ingredients to the manufacturing practices, food product quality is as diverse as the names gracing the front packaging. That’s why you should look for healthy snacks and skip over the ones chock full of filler ingredients and empty calories. Having healthy snacks delivered to the office can even help your staff work more efficiently and with greater confidence. After all, appreciation – in this

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snacks for movie night

What Are the Best Snacks for Movie Night at Work

Who says having a career means all work and no play? Lately, companies have been taking great strides in improving culture within the work environment. When browsing corporate websites there are often “Join Our Team” or “About Us” sections that allow glimpses into their life at work. This is a way for companies to show off the culture they’ve spent time building and advertise their unique benefits and social perks. As this week kicks off the first “official” week of summer, you may see companies showing off all of the fun activities they offer their employees during the warm months. Looking for a fun social event to offer your employees? Nothing says summertime like an outdoor movie night! This is a great way for your employees to get together as friends and unwind. Make it a happy hour with a few cocktails, some of the best snacks for movie night

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How Does Corporate Essentials Stack Up Against The Coffee Competition?

As a 20-year +  veteran in the office coffee industry, we really do outrank the competition. Our coffee experts compiled a list of all of the services we offer to our customers. In an office coffee comparison, the list of services we offer is pretty impressive and no other service provider compares! With the recent launch of our cold brew coffee kegs and our ever-changing selection of healthy office snacks, we’ve created a product list that is unlike any other provider on the market. Our coffee pros looked at other premium coffee delivery services, traditional coffee vending companies, office supply companies, big box stores, online grocers and online retailers. The results are in, and we’ve got the competition beat! The only other service provider that came close to matching up with our offerings were premium coffee companies or other office coffee companies. Unfortunately, neither of those services offer daily pantry

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healthy office breakfast ideas

15 Healthy Office Breakfast Ideas You Can Make in 5 Minutes

Not everyone has time to whip up a gourmet breakfast each morning. In fact, more and more employees prefer to eat on the go or else graze on light meals throughout the day. What does that mean for breakfast? It means healthy, quick-to-make and quick-to-eat foods perfect for the office. The Importance of Healthy Food at the Office Breakfast helps prep your employees for a day of accomplishments, but these days the meals are decidedly lighter, more nutrient-dense and quicker to digest. You can boost staff morale and help your employees achieve their personal best when you provide nutritious foods and inspiration for healthy office breakfast ideas. Here are 15 ideas to get you started! 1. Make It a Burrito Morning Start the day with Amy’s Breakfast Burrito. All your employees need to do is warm the burrito in the microwave, and in just a few minutes they’ll have a

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bulk office snacks

How Can I Order Bulk Snacks for My Office?

When you want to make changes to your company culture, you probably consider the layout of offices and cubicles, company structure, branding, and criteria for new hires. However, you might not consider the importance of your break room and what it contains. Bulk snacks in the break room can have a significant impact on company culture and employee morale, and they can also act as a draw for skilled workers. One article from Fast Company notes that millennials are especially drawn to those companies offering free, healthy food at the office and that more and more organizations are joining this trend. According to an article from Tracy Kelly at Yello, “Exercise classes, healthy snacks and a bikeshare program may sound like things you would find at a health club, but for many job seekers, these perks can be the reason they accept a job.” So, how can your organization take

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water alternatives

Need Help Hydrating?

We’ve all been told to drink more water…and we absolutely should (in case you missed the memo)! But what if plain water just isn’t exciting enough? Luckily, Corporate Essentials has a “super” selection to combat the boring taste of water! Water alternatives such as Sparkling Water, Infused Water, Aloe Vera Juice, Coconut Water, and even Cactus Water (Cactus? Odd, I know…but believe me, it’s so good!) are not only tasty water substitutes, but they are sure to replenish and rehydrate just like regular water! When the Monday blues are getting you down, transport yourself to the tropics with VitaCoco’s Coconut Water. With vitamin C and electrolytes like potassium, this water will replenish you and give you the energy you need to power through your day! The truth is that even athletes swear by coconut water to keep feeling great. If you’re looking for something just a little different, the delicious

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Top 8 Coffee Bloggers Nationwide

Top 8 Coffee Bloggers Nationwide

Here at Corporate Essentials, we spend a lot of our time telling you what we think makes great coffee and how great coffee can make your NYC workplace thrive. Once in a while, we like to kick back and offer the microphone to other experts out there on the internet, and this is one of those times. Coffee is something people are very passionate about, it brings out their creativity in more ways than one. With a simple search on the internet, you can find things coffee bloggers and even Instagram accounts all about coffee! Blogging about coffee is a big responsibility, but also lots of fun. Today we are turning our focus to eight of the nation’s top coffee bloggers. And here, in no particular order, are their blogs: The Coffee Compass Aiming to provide you with a touch of local flavor wherever your journey may take you, The

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Why Coffee Distributors Own Your Office Culture

10 Reasons Why Coffee Distributors Own Your Office Culture

Coffee distributors provide refreshments to your office, but that is not all – the snacks and drinks they deliver and the equipment they maintain serves as the foundation for your office culture, for better or for worse. Whether you are in the market for a new coffee distributor or are just trying to make the most of your existing office coffee arrangements, today we have rounded up 10 reasons your office coffee distributor plays a vital role in cultivating the atmosphere at your office. 10. Hydration Matters Dehydration is one of the top workplace maladies and it has the power to sap productivity across the board. Thanks to your helpful office coffee distributor, your employees have on-demand access to the beverages they need to quench their thirst and meet the demands of your busy office. 9. No One Likes to Waste Time By working with a NYC area coffee distribution

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