The Daily Grind

News and thoughts from our caffeine infused minds
snacks for work desk

20 Healthy Snacks for Work You Can Keep at Your Desk

The office is a significant place in people’s lives. After all, your employees spend much of their waking hours at work, helping see your business through yet another successful day. One of the easiest ways you can boost employee morale is to offer healthy snacks for the work desk. This way, staff can decide whether to join colleagues in the break room or take a refueling break that lets them get right back to a pressing deadline. Why Are Healthy Snacks at Work so Important? Snacks laden with sugar or full of fat don’t give the body what it needs to power through the day. Instead of providing sustainable energy, these foods only result in the burst and bust that crops up by mid-afternoon. This is difficult for the body to handle, so it’s no surprise your employees feel sluggish or unproductive by the time 2 p.m. rolls around. Ditch

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best office snacks

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Office Snacks for 2018

The best office snacks aren’t “just food.” They’re tools for building a healthier culture and stronger employee engagement. While research indicates simply offering complimentary food is a morale booster, the quality of your snacks impacts employee mood, focus and productivity — all of which can trickle down into your culture. Harvard Business Review research declares, “You are what your employees eat.” Stocking your NJ breakroom with the best office snacks from today’s smartest health-conscious brands could give your company culture a serious advantage. The 5 Best Office Snacks to Stock Today There are office snacks and drinks that never go out of style. Is there any better way to start off a Monday morning than with a single-serve pod of freshly brewed dark roast coffee and a bagel or gluten-free bagel? Same goes for classic mid-day munchies like heart-healthy raw almonds packed with protein, unsaturated fat and vitamin E. However,

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Bevi Water Filter

Meet Bevi: The Future of Office Water

Nowadays, people have become increasingly more concerned with hydration and all its associated benefits. As a result, they are frequently searching for water sources to keep them hydrated and productive. The workplace is no exception. Your employees have busy days of rushing around, whether they’re commuting or running to important meetings. For this reason, it’s especially important in big cities, like New York City, to offer employees options to stay hydrated, like refillable water bottles or filtered water fountains. In today’s day and age, workplaces need to offer employees varied ways to keep their water intake up. Our team at Corporate Essentials is excited to inform you about Bevi filtered water, a modern, tech-savvy way to offer your New York City office still or sparkling water at the press of a button. Meet Bevi: The Future of Office Water The team that invented Bevi started out with only one goal: to eliminate

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increase productivity at work

The One Perk Your Business Needs to Increase Productivity at Work

Productivity in the office can slide for any number of reasons. While some reasons might be tied to individual choices, others could be tied to company organization, job complexity or company culture. Unfortunately, employees can’t help your business succeed if they can’t perform their roles to the best of their ability. The good news is that one key perk can step in to help increase productivity at work. That perk is healthy snack delivery. Bulk Delivery of Healthy Snacks While you order company supplies like printer paper, envelopes and whiteboard markers on a regular basis, and while you may order breakroom supplies like napkins, water cooler cups and disposable plates, you might not think much about providing the food, too. However, in something as routine as ordering business supplies, products matter. A shift in company practice that results in the bulk delivery of healthy snacks could be just what your

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healthy snack trends

Why Your Company Should Prioritize Healthier Snacks for the Office

Most companies have break rooms for staff or at least a designated area with counter space and some arrangement of table and chairs. Yet, while they encourage employees to dissociate from work tasks and take time for themselves, not all businesses know how to provide the optimal space. Sometimes, companies even stock the cupboards with sugary, starchy or high-calorie snacks. What seemed appropriate is now far from ideal. Here’s why your company should prioritize healthier snacks for the office. Healthy Snacks Boost Morale When your employees see new snacks in the break room, their mood elevates to one of happiness and curiosity. Most of them will want to sample these healthy snacks to determine which ones they like best. Once they have established their favorites, they could soon put in requests for particular brands, further strengthening the break room excitement. Healthier snacks for the office also have another bonus: they

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healthy snack delivery service

4 Benefits of Using a Healthy Snack Delivery Service

Break rooms are the ideal place to refuel and recharge. They let employees step away from the desk and catch up with local events, plan off-hour get-togethers with colleagues or just relax with some great reading material. Yet, breakroom planning takes work. You need to order supplies, stock the cupboards and figure out what to provide for snacks and drinks. Instead of spending time and money trying to locate good snacks, make life a little easier with a healthy snack delivery service from Corporate Essentials. Here are four great benefits your company and your staff will enjoy. 1. Brain Fog Be Gone Nobody wants to sit in a fog, either staring at a document that needs writing or reviewing, or else trying to help a customer but failing to recall that crucial detail. Snacks high in sugars, carbohydrates or empty calories are notorious for burning off soon after that brief

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Full Service Coffee Provider

2018 Coffee Trends: What’s Hot This Year!

If you take a look at the various coffee shops during your morning commute through New Jersey, you’ll immediately notice how big of a deal coffee is. No matter the type, almost everyone starts their day off with a cup of coffee. As the coffee industry continues to rapidly evolve and change, coffee is now seen in many different forms. Long gone are the days when the only choices were black or with cream and sugar. Nowadays, coffee drinkers have plenty of options! From more flavors (like vanilla, hazelnut, and peppermint) to the way it’s processed and served (chilled or on ice), coffee has truly blossomed from its simple form. Millennials and their fast-paced way of living have greatly influenced how coffee is consumed these days – and the coffee industry is doing everything it can to keep up and stay fresh. Coffee has a long history behind it. It

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Session Spotlight: The Culture Project 2018 Pitch Slam

The Details Through The Culture Project, Corporate Essentials aims to improve company culture and make work better, one office at a time. One exciting way to accomplish this is to get new, innovative brands in front of decision makers to explain the impact they could have on office culture. Introducing the first annual Corporate Essentials Pitch Slam, sponsored by Chef’s Cut! This main event will take place on Thursday, May 17th at the Metropolitan Pavilion located at 123 W. 18th Street, New York, NY 10011. The Pitch Slam will create the ultimate platform for emerging brands to present their product, story and future plans to a panel of industry thought-leaders and judges. Corporate Essentials will have a live audience packed with CEOs, Decision Makers, Facility & Office Managers, HR Directors and more, all looking for better-for-you snacks and beverages to be featured in their break rooms! The judges will ask

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How to Choose the Best Office Coffee Distributors in NJ

How to Choose the Best Office Coffee Distributors in NJ

Choosing between office coffee distributors for your New Jersey firm is no small task, and getting it wrong could have serious consequences. You run the risk of getting locked into a contract with a supplier that has a limited portfolio of products, service that is less than you had hoped for or a firm that provides less-than-stellar reliability when it comes to deliveries. None of this is acceptable when it comes to office distributors; and when it comes to something as sacred and essential as office coffee, people can be even less forgiving. Fortunately, we put this handy list of five key areas to consider when choosing an office coffee distributor. Our years of experience have shown us the things that benefit office setups again and again, so we’re offering this quick guide to help you sail through the ocean of potential coffee distributors for your NJ office and catch

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healthy office snacks

Why You Need Healthy Office Snacks in Your Break Room

You might have noticed that we consider the break room as the heart and soul of your busy NJ office. It’s the one place you can guarantee people will enjoy stopping off between tasks, on their way in or out of the building each day, as well as when they are entertaining visitors from outside the firm. Since everyone needs a bite to eat now and then, studies continue to show that small, nutrient-heavy portions of food throughout the day keep our bodies running more smoothly.  People are increasingly aware of the impact their food choices have on their wellbeing, so providing an assortment of healthy snacks in your office break room is more important than ever. While this sounds like common sense, we wanted to take a few minutes to really break it down for you. So today, instead of extolling the virtues of great office coffee, we are asking

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Why You Should Eat More Dark Chocolate

Calling all chocolate lovers! It’s always been speculated that dark chocolate is “healthy”, but what actual merit does this claim have? As it turns out, there is some real validity to this notion. Just as a glass of red wine can improve overall health, dark chocolate – in moderation – has positive effects on the heart, mind and body. The next time you want to satisfy your sweet tooth (and not feel guilty about it!) try grabbing a dark chocolate treat. Chocolate containing 70% cacao or higher is rich in antioxidants and has been found to lower blood pressure, improve cognitive function and benefit health in numerous other ways. Offices everywhere should have a stash of dark chocolate for their employees for the awesome benefits it has on human brain function. In the short term, studies have found that in the hours after consuming dark chocolate with high flavanol content,

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Our Favorite Office Coffee Machines for NYC Offices

When it comes to office coffee, there is plenty to be thankful for – the convenience, the freshness, the welcoming aroma, the flavorful splash of creamer that makes your cup of coffee truly and uniquely your own. Coffee fans are thankful for the beans, they’re thankful for the roasting process, the speed of modern brewing and the care with which coffee has harvested the world over. There is, however, an unsung group of heroes in the world of office coffee – the office coffee machines. If you’re looking for the best coffee machine for your NYC office, look no further. Corporate Essentials has a ton of knowledge on all things office coffee. Whether your workplace is home to a hive of single-serve brewers, a bevy of bulk brewing beauties or a sophisticated espresso setup, the team at Corporate Essentials can lead you to their favorite coffee machines so you can

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