The Daily Grind

News and thoughts from our caffeine infused minds
martin + fitch

Corporate Essentials Acquires Leading New York City Specialty Catering Company Martin + Fitch

NYC’s office refreshment leader adds full-service catering through the acquisition of caterer to New York’s elite. PARSIPPANY, New Jersey — Corporate Essentials announced today that they have acquired Brooklyn-based, full-service caterer Martin + Fitch. The acquisition will expand the company’s offerings, which currently feature coffee services, healthy snacks, beverages and more workplace staples to now include premium fresh food solutions. “Acquiring Martin + Fitch marks the start of the most exciting time in our company’s 20-plus-year history,” said Judson Kleinman, Corporate Essentials President and CEO. “Being able to offer full-service catering to New York City and New Jersey offices takes what we currently do to a whole new level.” Under the Martin + Fitch brand, Corporate Essentials will offer a full range of options with the goal of appealing to every office. Whether an office is looking to supply food for an occasional workplace party, a regular Friday happy hour

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7 Different Types of Corporate Cultures

Try These 7 Different Types of Corporate Culture For Your Business

Workplace culture is a huge part of what draws great talent to great companies. But what sets one corporate culture apart from another? Today, your office coffee culture crusaders at Corporate Essentials are here to give you the low down on some of the most common types of office cultures. Grab a great cup of your favorite drink and read on to see where your company’s culture fits into the mix. The Coffee is Always On This is a culture that typically exists in smaller firms where everyone gets the opportunity to really know everyone else – the sort of company where everyone is part of one big family. This type of company is great place to get your foot in the door. “Family” workplace culture is likely to provide solid mentoring opportunities. For those interested in long-haul careers, these employers are more likely to consider the career track an

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improve company culture

35 Ways to Create or Improve Your Company Culture

Office culture is the cornerstone of a great place to work. More than having dress-down Fridays or Taco Tuesdays in the staff room, workplace culture is about how people work and interact together. The sum total of their shared experience produces your firm’s “workplace culture”. Having a good workplace culture matters for a host of reasons, but the two most important are the fact that you need to attract talent to your firm; and once you get them, you want to keep them happy and productive. In NJ and its surrounding areas, prospective employees have many options as to where they can choose to work. When it comes to down it, every positive thing you can offer to a new hire holds weight. So today, instead of banging that all-familiar coffee drum, the team here at Corporate Essentials is going to give you the lowdown on the importance of company

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10 Best Company Cultures

You will notice that here at Corporate Essentials we talk a lot about building a great company culture by providing excellent office coffee and a superior break room environment. This might leave you wondering what exactly marks a company culture as exceptional in today’s workplace. It is time we explained what makes the difference between a good place to work and a great one. It can be hard to explain something like this without real word examples, so today we are highlighting ten of the best company cultures in the nation. In no particular order, these are our picks for the nation’s top companies in terms of workplace culture. Huge Inc. To kick things off, let’s start with one of our coffee clients at Corporate Essentials, Huge Inc. If there is a single word that encapsulates the company culture at Huge, it has got to be equality. Founded in Brooklyn

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coffee instagram accounts

Top 10 Coffee Instagram Accounts You Should be Following

A picture is worth 1,000 words, so the adage goes, and in our hyper-connected world, visual communication is more important than ever before (although we should ignore coffee bloggers either!) One of the best advantages coffee lovers in this social media landscape have over their predecessors is the ability to take part in the coffee rituals of others from afar – and nowhere is that more fun than Instagram. Today, the caffeine experts here at Corporate Essentials are taking a day off from informing our readers about the best food and drink options for their NJ breakrooms. Instead, we are going to show you ten of the best Instagram accounts for coffee lovers to follow. Whether you appreciate photography, love getting a glimpse into a coffee shop you might never get to visit in person or want to grab a virtual pick-me-up between coffee breaks, in no particular order, here are

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The Best Commercial Coffee Makers for Your Office

The Best Commercial Coffee Makers for Your Office

Your New York City office is a buzzing hive of productivity – the staff working with you throughout the day rely on you for quite a few things, and the linchpin that holds the whole chaotic puzzle together is great office coffee. This means it is in your best interest to be sure that your break room is home to the best commercial coffee maker imaginable. Grabbing a coffee is a central part of almost everyone’s work schedule. If your office is located in a city, your employees will most likely reach the building by means of commuting. Since their time is spent rushing here and there before arriving at work, you can save them time by hosting a variety of coffee options in your New York City office. From single cup, personalized coffee to a satisfying shot of espresso, we know what your employees are hoping for to satisfy

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workplace culture

50 Signs Your Company Has a Desirable Workplace Culture

Building a great culture in your workplace is a worthwhile endeavor. Sometimes, the hardest part of building the culture up is keeping tabs on how well you are doing. Today, the team of company culture gurus here at Corporate Essentials has put together this list of 50 things you can look at to determine whether your corporate culture comfortably resides in Boomtown or is heading for Bustville. 1. Your company never has to search for talent The people who work in your human resources teams are a great barometer for how healthy your workplace culture is at any given time. They know how many people are leaving the company, what made them leave and, most importantly, they can tell you how hard those empty chairs are to fill. A sign of a healthy office culture is a staffing department that does not have to head hunt. 2. People want to

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10 Office Coffee Machine Struggles That Make Mondays Even Worse

Office coffee provides a number of proven benefits for companies willing to invest in their break room. Happy, hydrated workers and a great office culture are the boons of choosing the best office coffee machines for your particular workplace. Luckily, there are experts out there in the world of office coffee who exist solely to help you whittle down the list of potential coffee machines to find the best ones for your exact situation – machines that are easy to maintain, reliable and serve up the best office coffee in town. 10. Outdated Having outdated office coffee machines can mean your staff has to work harder to use them. They are less likely to enjoy their beverages and generally receive a less-than-awesome office coffee experience. The coffee machine from a few years ago might seem cheap, but the knock-on cost in wasted time negates any savings. 9. Complicated When your

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Healthy Tips To Kick Off National Nutrition Month

It’s March… that time of year when everyone starts to forget about their New Year’s Resolutions and hits that slump when stuck between winter and springtime.  To get you back on track, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has named March as National Nutrition Month®!  This campaign is designed to educate people on how to make informed meal choices and form healthy eating and lifestyle habits. We’re all guilty of substituting breakfast with a cup of coffee, buying food based on cravings instead of necessity, or eating out of boredom.  To combat these daily struggles, this year’s National Nutrition Month® theme is “Go Further With Food”.  What exactly does this mean? This year’s theme encourages people to plan meals to include the nutrients they need to fuel their day while also reducing food waste.   It’s so easy to roll out of bed in the morning and grab a granola

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Office Coffee Delivery Cost in NJ

How Much Does an Office Coffee Delivery Cost in NJ?

Pricing a new office coffee delivery agreement for your New Jersey office is easier than you might think. Sure, there is plenty to consider, between the countless roasts and the wide variety of office coffee equipment on offer, but the coffee experts at Corporate Essentials are giving you a simple three step plan to help you on your way to providing the best office coffee your New Jersey coworkers could hope to find in the break room. Size really does matter When it comes to office coffee delivery, size matters in a number of ways. This is the first step toward finding the right price for the coffee delivery service in your New Jersey office. There are three parts to size to consider for step one: Available space: first things first, you need to size your office coffee system so that it will fit into the break room area you

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Healthy Office Snacks

15 Ways Healthy Office Snacks Can Make Work More Enjoyable

When considering which perks and benefits to offer your employees, don’t forget to consider providing healthy office snacks for your employees to take advantage of during the workday. Before you reject the idea as having no benefit to the company itself, hear out the many reasons that healthy office snacks can increase productivity and employee engagement. It’s well known that sitting at the computer or desk all day can lead to serious weight gain and loss of muscle tone, which increases all sorts of things (including insurance and health care costs). It doesn’t help that the office snack machines boasts a well-stocked selection of Twizzlers and Snickers bars. Research shows that eating healthy food and snacks affects a person’s overall work performance. It’s often said, “You are what you eat.” The truth is, food provides us with the fuel we need to perform our daily tasks. The healthier the food

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Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Employers look for many characteristics in an employee when they are interviewing. For example, the candidate should be dependable. He or she should have experience and education in the area of the job he or she will be doing. The interviewee should be a quick learner and should work well on a team with a growth mindset. An employer may also be keeping an eye out for general intelligence, signs of logical thinking and ambition. But in addition to this, employers may be smart to look for signs of emotional intelligence as well. Emotional intelligence made its debut in the late twentieth century by Peter Salvoes and John D. Mayer. They outlined four sticking points that emotionally intelligent people possess. These are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and social skills. Lucky for us, New York City is full of qualified candidates who are eager to work hard to begin their career. There are many benefits to

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