The Daily Grind

News and thoughts from our caffeine infused minds
Healthy Food Trends

The Healthy Food Trends You Need to Know About in 2017

It’s a new year, a fresh start. It’s a chance to begin the new habits you’ve always wanted to start. If you’ve had a hard time in the past, now is the time to take care of yourself and truly pay attention to your health. Luckily for you, there are some seriously exciting healthy food trends going on right now. Get ahead of the game with these health kicks – experts say many of these are expected to continue in 2017 and will be here to stay. More and more people are hopping on the health band wagon trend with an increase in healthy food consumption. As you obviously already know, there are many reasons to choose a healthy lifestyle and to follow these healthy food trends in 2017. Below are just a few, but I’m guessing you have some ideas already bouncing around in your head. Whatever the reason, there is very little draw back

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Healthy Snacks

5 Healthy Snacks That Will Boost Your Productivity (Infographic)

A healthy lifestyle can positively affect many different areas of your life. It can affect your mood, your sleeping patterns and even your attitude at work. Avoid the afternoon slump that many people feel and truly make the most of the work day by filling your body with nutritious food. Corporate Essentials is happy to keep you reaching towards all of your goals – both health and work related. We pride ourselves on stocking up office break rooms with healthy snack options. Take a look at 5 different healthy snack options that will boost your productivity!

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Brain Food

10 Brain Food to Help You Be More Productive

You’ve heard about the positive benefits of eating well and choosing the right food for your body. It is no secret that the food choices you make affect all sorts of aspects in your daily life. Eating right can make you feel healthier, help you get a more restful night’s sleep and even help you perform better at work by providing you with more focus and energy. By eating certain foods and changing up your diet, you can increase productivity and stay at the top of your game. As previously mentioned, the food you eat can affect specific types of areas in your life. Super-foods wear capes of goodness, working miracles on your body and your mind when you make the choice to pick one as a snack or meal. But before we specifically mention the types of food, let’s further elaborate on the areas that they affect. Sleep Better, Feel Better Though most

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Employee Feedback

How to Get Better Employee Feedback

As a company leader or business owner, it is important to consistently look for ways to improve and grow your company. One method that continuously helps with improvements is collecting employee feedback. This can be done in various ways and is extremely valuable when looking to better a company or organization as a whole. By collecting this information, you can solve any issues that arise and work towards improving overall company culture. Many times, employees have issues with how things are run in a company but don’t necessarily feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts with upper management. Sometimes, they might even feel like they can express themselves but that changes won’t necessarily be made based on their feedback. Instead of addressing these concerns with their superiors, employees sometimes resort to complaining to their coworkers. This contributes to low morale and a negative company culture. To fight off this cycle, offer opportunities to your employees to share

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Employee Training

20 Ways to Improve Your Employee Training Programs

Employee training begins the moment your new talent signs on the dotted line. With so much to learn about a new position, companies take employee education seriously during the first weeks and months of a new hire’s tenure. But when should employee training end? Perhaps the best answer is “never.” Having employee training programs in place for current employees, not just newbies, is a great way to provide consistent growth throughout a company and to form a culture of continuous learning and self-improvement. Employee training programs are commonly seen during the on-boarding process of a new employee. Naturally, these shouldn’t go by the wayside. They are extremely important and valuable in a company. These programs allow a business to acclimate a new employee and help guide him or her in a direction the leaders would like to see the company grow. But beyond these programs, there is so much more. Consider employee training programs that aid your current employees in following

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How To Increase Motivation

20 Proven Ways to Increase Motivation in the Workplace

Leaders in the American workplace are often wondering how to increase motivation within their teams. Motivation is important for morale, productivity and overall cohesion of the office. However, some bosses do not understand the importance of motivation as well as their responsibility to worry about motivation. However, since productivity and client-base ultimately is the concern of those at the leadership level, then workplace motivation should be as well. Luckily, there are many ways to ensure motivation is at the highest level and encourage it in the workplace. 1. Ask for Feedback Give your employees a chance to express their thoughts and concerns on a routine basis. This can be done through a survey given monthly or quarterly. Surveys offer a faceless way to share with leadership, feelings on the direction in which the company is going. Another way to solicit quality feedback and to increase motivation is to host one-on-ones with your employees, either

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Cold Brew Coffee

The Rich, Smooth Flavor of Cold Brew Coffee

About Cold Brew Coffee You are curious about the undeniable trend you have seen everywhere this summer: Cold Brew Coffee. Why are people so enamored with it? And what’s the difference between cold brew coffee and the iced coffee I’ve been drinking for years? While it’s a great, refreshing drink for summer, the smooth, balanced flavors of cold brew coffee are easily enjoyed year-round. You might be surprised at how smooth your cold brew coffee is the first time you taste it, and you’re not alone. Many of the more “undesirable” coffee elements such as certain oils and fatty acids are only soluble under the presence of heat. These are the elements that contribute to the bitter, acidic taste that is generally associated with coffee (and the reason many of us add milk and/or sweetener to balance these flavors). You’ll be able to see evidence of those broken-down oils and

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Healthy Office Snacks

Featured Fruit & Veggie: The Apple (Infographic)

They’re a fall favorite – providing fun in the form of pick-your-own orchards and happiness in the form of your grandmother’s prized pie recipe. But how much do you really know about apples? Don’t you worry! Corporate Essentials is happy to keep you in the know about your favorite fruits and veggies. Read on to increase your ”Apple-IQ”, and soon you’ll be the leading knowledge-source for your go-to office snack.

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Employee Engagement Activities That Can Help Improve Your Company Culture

With the countless job opportunities in busy cities like New York City and its surrounding areas, companies have to compete for their share of the area’s talented employees. Since prospective employees have many options as to where they can find work, it’s important for your business to offer something that sets you apart from the competition. Beyond securing new talent, it’s essential to keep your current employees happy, as they are the gears that keep your company moving forward. Employee Engagement is a real issue in the workplace. Leaders are struggling to find ways to increase engagement and create a higher performing team. Engagement doesn’t just affect the happiness of employees. It’s much more than that. Checking the studies will show that engaged employees will work harder and enjoy being at work much more. Because of this, it isn’t surprising to find that research shows companies with engaged employees outperform

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healthy office snacks

Featured Fruit & Veggie: The Banana (Infographic)

You add it to your morning smoothie, or maybe grab one to eat in the car on your way to work. But did you know bananas are a “superfood”? And that those little brown spots on your banana after a day or two mean that your banana’s antioxidants are ramping up their effectiveness? Don’t worry – we’ve compiled some fun facts about your everyday office snack to keep you in the know about your fruits and veggies.

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Why Filter Maintenance Matters

When people see the Corporate Essentials card saying that a filter was changed, it is easy to simply ignore it as just another piece of marketing collateral. But did you know, water is the most important ingredient in creating the perfect cup of coffee? A cup of coffee is made up of more than 98% water, so starting with the best water truly yields the best cup of coffee. So what happens when a Corporate Essentials Service Professional performs a regular filter change? Step 1 – Your existing carbon filter is replaced with a brand new one, and the old filter is discarded by our service technician. Step 2 – A card stating when the filter was last changed and which Corporate Essentials Service Professional performed your service is completed. Step 3 – All machines are wiped down. Step 4 – We run a test cycle on every machine where

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How to Measure Employee Engagement

Your employees show up. They do their jobs. They make coffee in the break room and celebrate donuts left there by an anonymous do-gooder. They sometimes laugh, sometimes not. Some make friends and some do not. They look forward to Friday and rejoice on payday. The morale ebbs and flows, as it does in places of business. Overall, you feel good about your team. Your employees may seem happy, but are they engaged? Do they have a positive, emotional connection to their jobs? An article in the New York Daily News reports that nearly 70% of U.S. employees are miserable at work. According to the story, research conducted by the Gallup Poll suggests that the majority of American’s dislike or feel disengaged to their job. Forbes Magazine explains employee engagement is not the same as employee satisfaction. Forbes defines employee engagement as “the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization

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