10 Reasons Why You Should Thank Your Office Coffee Service Today
When we were little, Mom always made sure we sent thank you cards promptly after any birthday or holiday gifts were received. It was simply the done thing – a show of good manners and a mark of respect. It was also the best way to be sure you got a “good” present instead of one of Auntie Hilda’s misshapen sweaters. This is a lesson that translates only loosely into our adult lives, particularly at work. But today, we are going to explain 10 of the top reasons you should give a shout out to the office coffee heroes in your life (obviously we have no self-interest here, it’s good for the community at large, honest!). 10. Refreshment Being able to grab that quick cup of coffee for refreshment without leaving the building is a great benefit for you and all your colleagues. The time and money saved are an