Bad coffee, no coffee, old coffee, unreliable equipment, lack of choice, dreary décor… there are plenty of things that can make the office break room a drag. Not so surprisingly, the majority of them point to a lackluster office coffee service.
If you know your break room is lacking a certain something, but just can not put your finger on it, our team is here to help. In today’s article, we are showcasing six must haves for your office coffee delivery supplier.
1. Variety, variety, variety
Office coffee is the go-to form of refreshment for people in your workplace. That’s why it is vital that you have a good selection of coffee and other break room beverages for everyone to choose from when they need that caffeine hit.
If it seems that people flee the building to get seasonal coffee beverages or consistently zip across the street to pick up iced tea, consider getting similar products added to your routine office coffee service order.
2. Freshness and flavor
The best coffee is fresh coffee. If your staff seem to shy away from the break room offerings, it could be because your office coffee service is not providing fresh coffee. There are a number of different reasons the coffee in your break room might be less than fresh some.
Great coffee suppliers have links to local roasters, which can put the freshest coffee in the city into your break room with ease. Good communication with your coffee service representative can help you find ways to provide fresher coffee.
3. Regularity
There is little worse than rushing to get to the office and realizing that the break room is out of your favorite thing. Having a regular delivery of all the things your colleagues crave is a great way to help smooth the transition from weekend to work day – and keeping disappointment at bay is a vital component of a happy, healthy break room.
4. Real-world reliability
Knowing that you need a certain amount of particular things for each delivery is great. Knowing that your office coffee service will deliver what you need and has the flexibility to accommodate extra products for a big meeting can be a lifesaver.
The best office coffee services will offer suggestions that can help you anticipate peaks and troughs in demand for different products in your portfolio, as well as suggest ways to handle occasional crowds.
5. Flexible functionality
Even more than just being reliable, knowing that the office coffee vendor you work with stands behind the equipment in your break room, provides maintenance and training on that equipment is invaluable.
Having a reliable provider for all your office coffee needs is one of the most important things for a truly efficient break room. Great office coffee services provide unparalleled support to clients – not only by offering superior break room equipment to start with, but also by making sure your key staff understands the machines they use day after day.
6. Stellar support
The best office coffee services offer a level of customer service and support that is so phenomenal, the office staff will hardly realize that they are involved at all. The key to this level of success in the break room is communication.
Particularly when establishing your office coffee supply relationship, communicating with staff to determine their expectations and communicating with your supplier to build rapport and understanding is vital.
Once your break room is up and running, a great office coffee service will work with you to keep supplies at optimal levels and anticipate snack and drink needs as your break room culture evolves.
The coffee in your break room provides the fuel that your business needs to keep moving forward. So, if you have reached a point where you think your office coffee service is just not hitting the high notes, it might be time to consider a change.
For suggestions on how you can add a little sizzle to your office coffee offering, get in touch with the office coffee gurus here at Corporate Essentials. With close to 20 years experience in providing the sort of support and guidance that companies like yours need to foster an excellent office culture, we are happy to help you make the most of your break room.