Cold Brew Coffee Recipe: Mocha

Judson Kleinman

July 6, 2017

There’s nothing quite like a cup of coffee in the morning and as the weather gets warmer, cold brew seems to be the rave. This recipe combines two of our favorite things, cold brew coffee and chocolate. Here’s what you’ll need:

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Difficulty: Low


Now for the fun part – the Preparation:

  1. Measure out 100ML of Califia Farms Cold Brew with Almond Milk
  2. Pour the cold brew over a cup of ice
  3. Pour in your ideal amount of chocolate syrup (there can never be enough chocolate!) and stir
  4. Finally, cut up small pieces of dark chocolate and sprinkle them on top – and enjoy!

Keep an eye out for our series of Cold Brew coffee recipes that Corporate Essentials will be putting out!

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