The unsung hero in any great New Jersey office is often a simple, neglected machine. When we say “machine”, we do not mean the sort of receptionist who can field six calls at a time while welcoming a visitor and accepting a delivery – we mean an actual machine, but we are certain your receptionist is wonderful.
What we are here to talk about today is the office coffee brewer in your NJ office. For those among you who are hunting for a perfect soul mate machine, the brilliant brewing boffins here at Corporate Essentials have put together a list of great office coffee brewers sure to suit the thirst and style of your New Jersey office.
Delicious, diverse and direct
In other offices, the need for speed outstrips the desire for people to linger over the process of crafting their ideal coffee beverage. If your New Jersey office is looking for a no-fuss office coffee brewer, the single-serve office coffee machine is likely to meet your needs.
Though the notion of single-serve coffee makers has been revolutionized by the K-cup pack, there are still a number of single-serve office coffee brewers available, including:
- RealCup: RealCup’s RC400 coffee brewer packs a lot of power into a tiny footprint. The RC400 is K-Cup compatible, which will keep the people in your office that are married to particular roasts or flavors happy – but more than this, the RealCup’s specialized Flavor Max Filter packs are available in a number of exclusive and legendary names, including Marley Coffee, Higgins & Burke teas and a selection of divine hot chocolates and other popular break room beverages.
- Starbucks: the Starbucks iCup provides an authentic Starbucks coffee experience right in your break room. With a touch screen, easy to follow instructions and just 45 short seconds from whole bean to brew, the iCup can bring your favorite cup of coffee to life in two convenient sizes.
- Flavia: a popular option for workplaces where people enjoy a wide variety of hot beverages including teas and coffees, Flavia’s Creation 400 offers something for everyone. Choose from a solid selection of espresso-based drinks, delectable hot chocolates and a wide variety of coffee and tea offerings that never fail to satisfy.
The beauty of single-serve office coffee brewing equipment is that it genuinely gives you an opportunity to cater for any taste – even unforeseen requests can often be met with a simple call to your office coffee service provider. And knowing that you have the right beverages available for fickle clients the night before you seal a big deal can go a long way toward putting everyone at ease.
Many, thirsty and demanding
In other offices, there is a veritable horde of thirsty workers to satisfy, and for those offices nothing less than a fast office coffee brewer capable of churning out hundreds of ounces of coffee in a hurry will do. If your workplace has a monumental thirst for coffee, our top picks are:
- Bunn: the Infusion Series can pump out nearly 20 gallons of coffee an hour – if it fails to keep up with the demand for coffee in your building, we are not sure what will. Unlike stereotypical bulk brewing coffee pots from break rooms past, the Bunn Infusion series brings sleek stainless lines to your space and guarantees fresh coffee at an appropriate temperature thanks to the innovative BrewWise® system.
- Fetco: the Fetco CBS-2052e provides an equally epic solution for thirsty break rooms throughout New Jersey. With an array of features focused on delivering the best-tasting coffee available through an office coffee brewer, the CBS-2052e includes a customizable menu that allows users to save their brew recipes, including pre-wetting and pulse-brew settings.
This is not your dad’s bulk-brewed coffee – gone are the days of cracked glass carafes with a half inch of over-heated sludge on the bottom. This is a new and improved solution to the age old problem of catering for a crowd, and we have to say it is remarkable both for the improved ease and efficiency with which coffee is extracted and for the superior flavor both machines can bring to your New Jersey break room.
Sleek, steamy and sophisticated
For New Jersey offices where the most popular coffee comes in shots rather than cups, there are a number of elegant espresso solutions available. Think about the staff you have and whether they are going to want to genuinely pull their own shots of rich ristretto each morning or not, then consider:
- Franke: the Franke Flair is among the more unique office coffee brewers, providing genuine espresso direct from the bean in a matter of moments. Offerings include simple espresso shots, lattes and cappuccinos, available in a variety of sizes with the press of a button. The Flair is a great option for offices where there is a demand for fresh espresso but time is at a premium or expertise in operating an office espresso brewer is limited.
- La Marzocco: La Marzocco’s Strada MP is the gold standard of office coffee brewers for those with a thirst for espresso. The machine was developed with a team of top baristas, can be customized to match your corporate color scheme and comes in both a two and three group configuration, allowing you to pump as much hot, fresh espresso into the break room as you need.
Either way, the teams in your NJ office are likely to be thrilled with the new office coffee brewer and its potential to truly satisfy their inner coffee snob. While some level of actual barista skill may be required to operate the La Marzocco office coffee brewers, the experts here at Corporate Essentials offer on-site training and demanding coffee aficionados tend to pick up on these things quick.
Ultimately, many New Jersey offices need a combination of coffee brewing systems to truly meet their demands. This is where the guidance of office coffee experts like our team at Corporate Essentials can be the most useful “machine” of all.
Determining the combination of things that will make your break room an oasis of caffeine-fueled perfection on any given day will take a little time, but knowing what your teams need and expect we can guide you through the process with ease. Your NJ office coffee brewers will be on site, satisfying demand before you know it.