There are plenty of things that can go wrong at work on a given day, but the magic cure that we know and love as coffee can make a lot of the bad things go away. That’s why it’s absolutely vital to ensure that your office coffee systems are running perfectly all day every day.
Today, the Corporate Essentials team is going to provide you with the best ways to keep your break room running smoothly so that chaos doesn’t break out.
1. Engage your teams
The only way you can really keep chaos in the break room at bay is by keeping your colleagues in the office engaged in the fight for order. So, involve them in the break room by inviting them to sample new drinks, taste new treats, provide feedback on the equipment they use most and always keep your ear to the ground listening for suggestions on how to improve your office coffee system.
Fostering great communication about the break room gives everyone a sense of ownership over the space, which is vital to an overall sense of belonging and pride in the workplace for many.
2. Provide great products
Your office coffee system could have the most amazing equipment on earth, but without great coffees, teas and other beverages to serve, that equipment has no purpose. Consider the products available carefully, and again, be sure you take input from people across the organization when you make choices regarding the menu on offer in the break room.
Giving people easy access a solid variety of fresh, great-tasting office coffee products is a huge step toward keeping the break room a bustling hive of productivity.
3. Keep things running
The office coffee makers available at your coffee station are the cornerstone of a successful office coffee system. Understanding which machines are the best fit for the volume, and type of coffee beverages your teams need, is an integral part of making sure your break room is appropriately stocked and running smooth.
Good office coffee services are able to provide a consultation to help you determine which equipment is the best match for your needs. The best office coffee services will take the time to come in and train your key employees on how to work the different machines, as well as providing assistance for routine maintenance and even emergency repairs.
The importance of maintenance and repair might seem unimportant, but if you have ever had to find a way to come up with coffee for 50 people with just a single drip pot, you know the importance of having reliable office coffee systems.
4. Make coffee fun
One of the key functions of great office coffee systems should be providing respite for people throughout their work day. Studies continually show that workers who are well hydrated, take frequent breaks and engage in social conversations away from their desk, are happier and more productive.
The great news is, if your office has a break room, then you have an ideal platform to provide hydration, inspiration and an informal space where people from different departments can come together for a few minutes every now and then.
The difference this can make to cross-departmental collaboration is huge. So, for many companies, this completely offsets the investment in the office coffee systems. However, be aware that just throwing a single-serve brewer in the corner and calling it a “break room” is not likely to produce great results.
You have to work on it, hosting occasional cupping events, offering new products on a rotational basis and encouraging that all-important communication from your break room users to ensure a well-stocked space.
Office coffee systems can be at the heart of your company’s success or it can be a place where the majority of people in your building fear to tread. The difference between these scenarios lies in how your office coffee system caters to the demands of your workers – the ebb and flow of their palates through the seasons, as well as their desire for healthy or trendy snack foods over time.
For help in picking the right path through the chaotic world of office coffee, reach out to the trail guides at Corporate Essentials. With going on two decades of experience navigating the maze of break rooms in one of the toughest markets on earth, we have the resources to keep chaos off the menu.