Have a cup of coffee, they said. It will be delicious and easy, they said.
Next thing you knew, you were standing in a busy room full of impatient people trying to muddle through, picking out something called a coffee pod and somehow managed to walk out with a cup of very sweet milk – far from refreshing or relaxing.
Do not be embarrassed, we have all had that day – even those of us who work in the office coffee industry. And that is why today we are taking a little time out to help you make the most of your next cup of coffee by providing ten simple steps to success in the break room.
10. Breathe
When you have decided it is time to get your cup of coffee, take a deep cleansing breath and clear your mind of everything else. Stand up from your desk, push in your chair and exhale all the chaos of your workstation.
9. Clear
Take a minute as you are pushing in that chair to clear your desk. This allows you to take a brief break and return with a clean slate, which should make you even more productive in the long run. Put your pen away, close your diary and kill all those browser tabs that are only distracting you from your mission of being awesome at your job, then head to the break room.
8. Consider
On your way, think about the sort of beverage you really want: hot or cold; coffee, tea or something else; small or large? Build a picture in your mind of the best office coffee you can imagine, from the cup you brew in all the way through to the aroma that rises from your drink when it is ready.
7. Choose
Stand before the vast selection of high-quality coffee products available in your break room and pick your favorite brew. Gather whatever other supplies you need to make your caffeinated vision a reality – making sure you have all the right ingredients is the true key to success.
6. Prepare
Now that you have gathered your supplies, check the office coffee maker you need to be sure it is ready to go – is it pre-loaded with the best beans, stocked with awesome filtered water? Then get your favorite coffee mug ready, because here comes the fun part.
5. Brew
In some offices, brewing a great cup of coffee is as simple as clicking a button. In other places, you might need to grind fresh-roasted beans or even wait for the boiler in that flashy espresso machine to get to the ideal temperature. The great thing about a good office coffee supplier is that you will know exactly what you need to do to brew the best office coffee.
4. Listen
In the quick minute it takes for most office coffee machines to kick out an exquisite cup of joe, take a moment to rest your eyes. Use this as an opportunity to exercise your other senses. Start by listening to the whirring of the grinder, the purring of the boiler and the soft trickle of the delicate drops of coffee making their way into your cup.
3. Observe
Now open your eyes and watch the colors change and settle as that espresso laces the demitasse cup, or the tea leaves bloom into a delectable brew. When the brew is complete, really watch the liquid settling in the cup and see just how many complex shades that “simple” cup of black coffee has. The process of making a great cup of office coffee is a feast for all the senses, providing truly rich input for your enjoyment on all levels.
2. Smell
This step is my personal favorite. Close your eyes again and breathe deeply – inhale the warm aroma and relax. Let the scent of this amazing cup of office coffee waft through your mind, like a gossamer balm that erases any trace of worry from your schedule, and let it tint your view for the rest of the morning. Think of it as a pair of rose-tinted glasses for your whole soul.
1. Enjoy
The best part of making great coffee is the drinking. Today, we want you to take those first sips slowly. Let the foam from that cappuccino rest for a brief moment on your lips – feel those tiny bubbles of microfoam pop, and consider that a tiny round of thunderous applause from the universe for a job well done.
If you are looking to make every cup of coffee in your office the best cup of office coffee ever, contact the team of experts here at Corporate Essentials. Our team is ready to provide a drip feed of all that makes coffee amazing for offices like yours.