The Snack Bar Responsible For Saving Children’s Lives

Judson Kleinman

July 27, 2018

This Bar Saves Lives. You may be inclined to pick a snack bar up in the store and purchase it because of its aesthetically pleasing packaging, but the mission behind this brand will make you want to order fifty cases on the spot! The name says it all. The mission of This Bar Saves Lives is to end childhood malnutrition worldwide. For every bar sold, a life-saving nutrition packet is given to a child in need. Basically, if you want to snack on a delicious granola bar, why not choose one that will simultaneously satisfy your cravings and save a child’s life?

The impact snack bar brand was founded by a team of 4 actors: Kristen Bell, Ryan Devlin, Todd Grinnell and Ravi Patel. When Ryan and Todd went on a humanitarian trip to Liberia, they met children who were suffering from severe malnutrition. They saw the simple, life-saving nutrition packets needed to let them grow strong (basically a peanut paste jam-packed with vitamins and minerals and nutritional goodness) and knew they had to help save these kids.

When they returned home, Ryan and Todd met with Ravi and Kristen to come up with a plan, baking tons of versions of snack bars before coming up with This Bar. The result was a delicious combination of granola, nuts, and sweetness with flavors like Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter, Madagascar Vanilla Almond & Honey, Wild Blueberry & Pistachio, and Dark Chocolate & Cherry.

The founders all agreed that they were lucky enough to never have to want for food and that no child should ever have to be in that position. When co-founder Ravi Patel was asked why fighting malnutrition is so important to him he responded, “Isn’t it obvious? It’s a basic human right to eat. It’s unfair to be born into circumstances where basic nutrition cannot be provided.” He’s right – many people are lucky to be born into good circumstances, but so many people all over the world simply weren’t born with the same luck.

The issue that the company focuses on is malnutrition. It affects 1 in 4 children in the world and is the number 1 cause of deaths in children under the age of 5. Co-founder Ryan Devlin is passionate about living in a world where no child goes hungry, “ALL children deserve to grow up healthy, strong, and able to change the world around them.” Think of all the Einstein’s of the world, all of the Bill Gates’ and Picasso’s, who haven’t had a chance to make their impact on the world because they are sick from not having proper access to food.

This Bar delivers nutrition wherever it’s needed the most. Both domestically and overseas, the company simply wants to end hunger. With a damn good gluten-free, non-GMO snack bar with less than 200 calories, they are saving lives one bar at a time. So far 3,585,772 (and counting!) life-saving nutrition packets have been donated to save children all over the world – you won’t want to miss being a part of the impact.
